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Our term is in full swing with many different types of learning taking place. This week we hosted Charna, Chalky and Brody who shared a smoking ceremony with the school. A smoking ceremony is an Indigenous Australian practise to cleanse themselves. I was extremely proud of our school who showed our school values of respect and courage as they listened to the importance of this ceremony and those who chose to participate in this. Our students were so excited with this ceremony that they asked if they could have a second turn. I was also extremely proud of our student leaders who thanked our guests in an earnest way.
We have been celebrating our students who have been consistently demonstrating our termly focus value of Aspiration. Have you spoken to your child since the last newsletter to see what their personal goal for this term is and how they are going with this goal? I love talking with our students and hearing about their goals, especially when they have told me they have achieved them.
Our school will begin personal interest groups in week 6. Each student has chosen an area of learning they would like to join in. Areas include water colour painting, cooking, science, AFL drills and skills, dancing, kindness project, chess and craft just to name a few. All students in prep-6 will join together to do this every Wednesday afternoon for the last 5 weeks of this term. Then, next term they will be able to join another area of learning for the first 5 weeks of Term 4.
I was delighted to see a lot of students put their hand up to audition for the WUPS Talent Quest this week. The students selected to show their talents will have a couple of weeks practice before sharing their talent to the school. The talent in our school is amazing and each student who has put themselves forward to audition should be proud of themselves.
Our Father’s Day stall will be held again this year. We are currently looking for volunteers to help set up, pack up and sell products for this stall. If you are interested in helping out please contact our office to share your availability.
Our office has become very busy in the mornings. We have been noticing people have been using it to head straight to classes. If you are dropping your child off at school can I please ask that you use the student entrance or the Josephine street entrance and only use the office if you need to see a staff member. This will help keep the office a workable space in the morning. I would also like to remind parents that our official supervision start time is 8:30. Please help us make sure your child is safe by not bringing them to school before then.
We are also noticing some students riding their bikes and scooters to school without a helmet. Please remind your child to use a helmet as we take the safety of our students very seriously.
I would like to pay tribute to Philip McKenzie. Philip was the secretary of our School Association and also a weekly volunteer with our breakfast club. Philip would always have a smile and a laugh with our students and loved our community deeply. Philip passed away last month and will be terribly missed.
Mrs McAuliffe is the proud new mum of Milly. Milly was born at the end of last month. Congratulations Angela and Callum.
I am looking forward to seeing families on Tuesday, at 2pm at our school assembly. Families are also invited to our Book Week Parade at 9am Thursday morning.
In Partnership,
Sarah Crawford
Whole School Assembly |
22 August 2023 |
School Performance |
19 September 2023 |
Whole School Assembly |
26 September 2023 |
Term 3 Concludes |
29 September 2023 |
Term 4 Commences |
16 October 2023 |
Whole School Assembly |
14 November 2023 |
Student Free Day |
3 November 2023 |
Public Holiday |
6 November 2023 |
Whole School Assembly |
12 December 2023 |
Term 4 Concludes |
21 December 2023 |